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Tigers are the subject of myths and folktales, poetry and art. Half a century ago, in the jungles of India, a young forest officer rallied the world to save tigers from extinction. Today, the creed is carried on in Far East Russia by the guardians of the last Siberian tigers, who risk everything to save the species. Directed by Academy®-Award winning filmmaker Ross Kauffman ("Born into Brothels,") TIGERLAND is the story about our relationship with one of the world’s most revered creatures.

TIGERLAND is part of Discovery’s Project C.A.T. initiative, a partnership with World Wildlife Fund supporting a global effort to double the number of tigers in the wild by 2022. Project C.A.T. is aiming to double its impact by helping preserve Bikin National Park in Russia a vital landscape for wildlife featured in this film that has the potential to build and sustain a healthy population of wild tigers.

‘WWF’ and ‘World Wildlife Fund’ are WWF Registered Trademarks. © 1986 Panda Symbol WWF